Can you get Swine Flu from cold weather?
it hasn't really been cold here but the nights are cold but in friday night i went to football game and i stayed in the cold all night long it was like 51 degrees. Im now sick with a stuffy nose and scratchy throat also my legs have began to ache. idk if this is just a cold or the flu or the swine flu. can anyone help me out??

Posted by Rabby
You get sick from viruses and bacteria not cold water...that is a myth that everyones grandmother tells them.

Posted by Kikoprincess13
well it seems swine flu is coming from everywhere. Cold symptoms and swine flu have become very extremely much alike making it hard to diagnose. So yes swine flu develops similarly to how a cold develops. Many colds can come from cold weather. So can the flu, and h1n1

Posted by Dianna
No, you get it from the bacteria and germs and people you touch on your daily basis.

Posted by Kevin
You can't it FROM the cold but the cold does make it easier to catch something. Were i live the doctors are diagnosing everything with flu like symptoms as swine flu, however i heard the way you can tell is that with swine flu you won't get a sore throat and with the flu you are achy and have a stomach ache. Just to be safe take a day of from school.

Hope you feel better :)

Posted by Richard
no. the swine flu is more of a contagious disease from other people. this disease was from thilthy animals, not cold weather

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