Do I have Swine Flu or a cold?

Posted by Simon | 9:51:00 AM

swine flu cold
by 13Moya

Do I have Swine Flu or a cold?
Well I looked at symptoms of Swine Flu and 2 of them matched what I have, cough and sore throat. But since it's getting pretty cold out, do I have a cold or Swine Flu? I use hand sanitizer, as there is one in my room.

Posted by David
no fever? diarrhea? a cold.

Posted by Explosions Hurt
its a cold, for swine flu you must high temp, puking .. ect (:

Posted by Ellie M
a cold LMAO! get well soon(L)

Posted by Kal-El
You have a cold. The tell-tale sign of the swine flu is a fever of 102 or greater. If you don't have the fever, you don't have the swine. You might however have strep-throat in which case you will need anti-biotics

Posted by Pear
I just recovered from swine flu recently,
And I went to the Doctors,
And the Doctor told me that a major part of swine flu is a headache and a fever.
You may have swine flu- since it is very common now,
But you may just also have a cold
You should go to the Doctors early! That way they can give you some medication called Tamiflu (if it is swine flu)

What do you think? Answer below! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center -
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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