swine flu common cold
by Eneas

Do I have swine flu or just common cold?
It started with a sore throat on Monday afternoon and a blocked nose, Now my throat is a little sore but have a really dry tickly throat, stuffy nose and a headache. Do you think this is just a common cold or is it swine flu, today I feel quite dizzyish too. :(

Posted by james
drink one lemon juice every hour if in 36 hours ur symptoms still there u need to go to doctor

Posted by Nemo
This sounds like a common cold. You need to have airway problems (in addition) to categorize it as the swine flu (eg. coughing, short of breath, etc).

Consult your doctor if symptoms last longer than a week or deteriorate.

Posted by Diane
Just the common cold, IMO.

Posted by Murzy
fever? H1N1 is 101+

Posted by DeviantNight
Sounds more like your common flu than cold. N' is symptoms persist after 48 hours and/or get worse then definately seek advice from your local GP

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Orignal From: Do I have swine flu or just common cold?