Do you believe in the money vs medicine theory?
I don't know how else to name it or if there is a name for it. So basically what I heard is that HIV/AIDS and the common cold, and other viruses don't have a cure, because if they would have it, then scientists and doctors would lose a lot of money? What do you think? I think it's not true, and they just haven't found it yet. There are plenty of biomed scientists that are probably working on it. WHat do you think?

Posted by drell
Not true. There are lots of antivirals out there already in use and certain diseases have been completely eradicated. If the money theory is valid, then docs wouldn't give flu vaccines so that more sick patients/customers will flood into their offices and hospitals (just one of several examples I could give).

Posted by greydoc6
You're absolutely right. HIV/AIDS is a very complex disease, and the cure continues to elude scientists although retroviral drugs and others have proved to be effective, if incomplete, treatments. Ditto cancer. Plus, look at all the diseases prevented by vaccines. Why would we give them if we wanted more business?

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