effects of a cold/flu in pregnancy?

Posted by Simon | 9:51:00 AM

effects of a cold/flu in pregnancy?
My girlfriend is 11 weeks pregnant and has either a really bad cold or the flu is there any risk to our child also can someone recomend something she can take for it that isn't harmfull thank you :)

Posted by Nurse Kerr
Be sure that she stays hydrated, thats very important, so far as what she can take, the only thing i advise on here without consulting a physician is Tylenol. Which would be helpful if she has chills, fever, or any aches.

Posted by Ky_Lotus
Tylenol products have been ruled safe to use during pregnancy. Of course it is always best to check with your OB before taking any product as I dont know of your pre existing health issues if any.
I had a very bad cold in my first trimester as well. I wasnt able to take anything, as i am high risk, and I just had to suffer from it and let it run its course.
I think a fever is the only thing u really need to watch. Docs dont want expecting mommas to run a high fever, as this can effect the fetus.
Tell her to go to a doctor and get herself checked out and not try home remedy until she is certain its ok to take over the counter drugs.
Good luck to u.

Posted by jimmy_chick78
Her cold won't affect the baby but do be careful that she doesn't run a temperature and if she does it is safe for her to take panadol. There are lemon hot drinks that she can drink which will also help with the cold and these are also safe during pregnancy. Make sure she gets plenty of rest and drinks alot of water and even some orange juice as vit C helps too. I would however get her in to see a doctor so that he can do a quick checkover of her and the baby and make sure that it is just a simple cold. I hope she feels better soon as there is nothing worse than being sick espescially when you are pregnant.

Posted by amber_ledford07
Buy her some pedialyte and keep her hydrated! That is all she needs!

What do you think? Answer below! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
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