Feed a cold, starve a fever? Feed a fever, starve a cold?
Which one is it? All those years of my mother harping at me, and I forgot one of her cardinal rules!

Also, has anyone ever found relief for that all-over "body ache" associated with the flu? My body hurts so bad I can't even draw a full breath and I would do anything to make it go away, but the thought of moving makes me want to cry.

Yes, I am being a big baby today, but any suggestions on relief would be appreciated.

Posted by PlNk pEaRlS
Feed a cold, starve a fever. It takes a lot of energy to fight off a fever, so if you're eating a lot, all your energy is going to digestion instead of to regulating your temperature. If you have a low-grade fever, you can sweat it out. If you have a high fever, take an ice bath & keep the AC on cool. Stay very hydrated either way. OJ is a good source of vitamin C :) Just rest now. That's what you need. Try to stretch every once in a while to make your muscles less sore. I hope you feel better! The flu sucks & I feel your pain =/

Posted by Bob T
Feed a cold, starve a fever. Eat lots of citrus fruit. It's extra bad for 2 days.

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