How do oral zinc remedies work if the cold virus originates in the nose?
I've always been confused by that. Zinc is supposed to stop the cold virus before it starts replicating, right? So how does it reach the nasal passages from the mouth?
Yes, I know cold viruses can't be created inside the nose. Geez!
Posted by TweetyBird
"So how does it reach the nasal passages from the mouth?" -- Zinc can't reach the nasal passages from the mouth and isn't supposed to. All it has to do is reach the small intestine where it's absorbed into the blood. Zinc acts on the immune system by stimulating the thymus gland and you'd have to know what part the thymus gland plays in the immune system as a whole. Zinc plays a role in maintaining a healthy immune system.
"Zinc is supposed to stop the cold virus before it starts replicating, right?" -- Wrong. Zinc doesn't interact with coronaviruses and rhinoviruses. It's the immune system that does that.
"How do oral zinc remedies work if the cold virus originates in the nose?" -- Cold viruses don't "originate" in the nose. They're everywhere in the environment and can enter the respiratory tract through the nose and the mouth. Don't forget we can breathe through our mouths.
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