How do you tell if your Fever Blister/Cold Sore is herpes?
I think I have a fever blister/cold sore and I know it can contain herpes. Since this has shown up own my face, I have been very sanitary. I have not shared any close quarters with anyone.

Is there a test I can take to verify that I do not have herpes?!?

Posted by could be pregnant!
you can do a viral swab or wait and see if you get more..herpes returns

Posted by freakylilgirl1025
Sorry to tell you but a cold sore, and i mean any cold sore, is a form of herpes. Since you are having herpes symptoms around your mouth, it's more than likely Type 1 Herpes Simplex Virus, which is usually not consistent with genital herpes, which essentially means that you probably didn't get this from having intercourse with someone. HOWEVER, if you have a cold sore and you perform oral sex on someone, they can get herpes on their genitals from the cold sore on your mouth, and vice versa. Close to 80% of all people end up with type 1 herpes by the time they die. Its very common, and nothing to worry about, but you definitely should go to the doctor to see which type of herpes it is.

Posted by Becky B
You can have a viral culture done at any medical office or clinic. They also can give you a variety of medications to lessen the length of time that you are infected. You could also use over the counter l-lysine to prevent them in the future.

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