How many days after you've been exposed to a cold/flu etc virus will you start to show symptoms?
I was around my family yesterday and my dad/brother were sick with either the cold or the flu, and now I'm worried that I might get it. It's only been one day, but I've already felt a slight tickle at the back of my throat, a headache, and..sneezing, but that's it for now...

Posted by july
The time between exposure and symptoms is called the "incubation period."

Rhinovirus (common cold) incubation period can be as little as 12 hours. The cold virus enters the nose and is "breathed" to the back of the nose, where the virus starts using your body's cells to reproduce itself. Once this happens, you start having symptoms.

Influenza incubation period is about 1-7 days; 2 days is usually the average. This will depend on your immune system.

Short answer? Yes, it's possible you were infected yesterday. Some people say that zinc lozenges will help shorten the duration of a cold; I use them myself, but you have to use them at the first symptoms and they taste pretty nasty!

Posted by kmL1234
24 to 48 hours is the average

Posted by Shortstuff13
You may not get sick at all. In the meantime, make sure you wash your hands often. My family all had the Norvo virus that is going around now. I was around them, just prior to their illness. In less than two weeks later, I got it too, but not as badly as what they had. It started out with a headache, upset stomach, & body aches. It's a 50/50 chance of getting sick. I hope you stay well.

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Orignal From: How many days after you've been exposed to a cold/flu etc virus will you start to show symptoms?