Is it dangerous to exercise with a cold & flu & cough or any of it ? What is the reason?
I m having a flu & would like to continue running & do my training but I heard its not good, should also allow 2 weeks after you recover before starting again. My paramedic friend informed me. Is it true ?

Posted by Rora
mm.. well, I'm not a paramedic friend, I guess I'm a paramedic stranger :)

The hardest thing about exercising when you're ill is that firstly you're taxing your body when its already going all out and using a lot of energy trying to heal you. Secondly, you can make yourself more sick in certain instances (such as a hacking cough winding up as pneumonia).
Thirdly, it just feels crummy to feel crummy and force yourself to exert yourself beyond your limits when you're sick.

If you have the energy and the ability to moderate yourself, there is nothing stopping you from exercising while you're under the weather. It certainly doesn't kill many people outright to have a cough/cold/flu and keep up an exercise regemine.

However, as a medic, I've dealt with more people who have exceeded their physical limitations while they're sick. They get dehydrated, they puke, they have fevers. They cough, and they sometimes turn funny colors if their breathing is affected.

As a medic and also as someone who enjoys a good workout... If you don't feel up to exercising, don't do it. If you do feel up to exercising, and you feel dizzy, nauseated, winded or tired, stop.
When you do feel better, I don't know anything about 2 weeks, but once you feel 100% you should be able to start working yourself back up to where you were pre-illness.

Good luck, and remember to take care of YOU

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