Is running in the cold bad for you?

Posted by Simon | 10:00:00 AM

Is running in the cold bad for you?
I want to run on a tread mill that is in my garage. The garage termperature is the temperature outside. Right now it's snowing so it is cold. If I were to run in this condition would breathing in the cold air make me sick? Would I increase the chances of catching a cold, flu, or bronchitis?

Posted by Lauren Marie
The common cold/flu etc are airbourne virusus you can't catch a cold because you run in the cold, run in the cold water of sprinklers in the summer etc, it has nothing to do with cold objects

Posted by Ben
Running in the cold is definetely bad for...jk...I just don't like running. Plus when you run you naturally get heated up...but dude why run in the garage when you can always run inside, and move you're treadmill there...

Posted by Nichole
I have asthma & when I even walk in the cold my chest tightens up and it's horrible to breathe. But i'm assuming if you don't have asthma, it still might be a little hard to breathe and it may increase the chances of a cold !

Posted by Sylvia
When you run in the cold,your blood vessels are constricted from the cold.Shoveling snow is about the same, some people can have a heart attach. I have heard that you can't catch a cold or flu from being outside in the cold, unless your immunity is already down, then you get it from the stress of being cold.

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