Learn how using a nasal rinse can help prevent the common cold in this free health video series. Expert: David Jackel Bio: As a singer, David Jackel knows the dire effects that a cold can have on his ability to perform. Filmmaker: David Jackel
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Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

phoenixnutritionals.com (CLICK HERE) Your Immune System The First and Best Line of Defense The recent outbreak of the Swine Flu has got millions of people in a panic. While this strain of the flu virus is particularly worrisome due to the fact that it appears to be a combination of more than one viral strain. Normally virus that affect animals are not readily transmitted to humans and visa versa, but in this case the virus we are dealing with may be a combination of more than one strain and as such is much easier transmitted to humans and from human to human. While any virus that becomes widespread is cause for concern, we need to remember that this is not the first time that such a flu outbreak has occurred and it won't be the last. Due to the nature of virus, they rear their ugly heads ever so often and are usually carried on air currents from one region of the world to others. In the past we have seen such famous flu viruses as the Asian Flu, Hong Kong Flu, and most recently the Bird Flu. Each of these various flu strains has their peak time and then fades into relative obscurity, only to return again in a few years. Currently, there have been outbreaks in several countries including the United States. Here we have already seen cases of the Swine Flu in California, Texas, Kansas, Ohio, and New York. Around the world there have been cases in New Zealand, Scotland, and Mexico, with other cases likely to develop in other countries as well. Combined strains of the flu ...

Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

Orignal From: Prevention for the Common Cold : How Nasal Rinse Helps Prevent the Common Cold