What causes a cold ?

Posted by Simon | 9:52:00 AM

What causes a cold ?
You know how you get all the symptoms such as, that certain feel in your throat like you just KNOW your getting a cold or a flu? & the runny blocked nose + sneezing along with your voice changing & just feeling like $ hit in your body???? Well. . . . im curious to know what exactly causes a cold & for them symptoms to come on? :) is it caused by being exposed to freezing cold air outside? or someone having a cold & their germs floating in the air & then getting into your immune system resulting in a cold for you? or a dirty environment living house? i actually have a cold right now, they are annoying & i hate them i wish their was never no such thing :( so could you tell me all the things that causes a cold or did i answer my own question above? lolz????


OH; Im curious to know WHY is a cold always worst at night?

Posted by Mr. Uh Huh
I have read that colds happen more often when the weather is colder due to the fact that people stay inside more, which means they will be in more contact with each other (ie. shake hands, touch door knobs, etc.).

The cold and the flu are usually caused by a virus that is breathed in, and lands on the moist membranes of the nose or throat. Some of the symptoms your body feels are your body fighting the virus, like lots of mucous to fight the virus, and sneezing, to attempt to get the virus out.

Colds aren't usually curable, your body just has to fight them off, so that's why you can take dayquil/nyquil to help pain, but it doesn't actually kill the virus. Your own immune system kills the virus, which it can do best when you rest a lot, and get a lot of liquids and good nutrition.

That's all I know, hope its enlightening.

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