whats the difference between swine flu and the regular cold?
im sick and my mom thinks i just have a cold. well ive had a headache that comes on and off, i have a really bad cough the ones that sound like ur dying and it hurts ur throat really bad, and i get the chills. i dont have a fever or anything i havent thrown up....so idk if i just have the regular cold (hopefully) or not?!

Posted by Erin
you more than likely have the regular flu/cold. and basically, there isn't a difference between swine flu and the regular flu. people are super freaked out when they shouldn't be. people in extreme age (very young or very old) are really the only ones at risk who should be worried, but it's the same exact way with the regular flu. if you're young and in your prime like i am we have nothing to worry about. if we were to become sick with swine flu we'd be in bed tired for a couple days and then we'd be fine (unless you didn't take care of yourself and you became severely dehydrated or something along those lines which is rly easy to avoid). and honestly, if we had swine flu it would feel exactly the same as the regular flu. so basically, they're exactly the same.

for those of you who disagree with me....look up the symptoms....exactly the same

Posted by I do care!
It sounds as if you have a regular cold.

A cold only lasts a few days to a week.
You will have a sore throat but not always.
A headache.
And cough.

With ANY flu you develop a fever. Body aches. Headache. Nausea/vomiting. Stomach cramps. Wracking cough with mucus. The list goes on.
Flu lasts anywhere from a week to many more.
With the flu you struggle to even get out of bed.

With a cold you can take some paracetamol and carry on with your day.

Posted by flawless1212
Thats a good question. I saw the Dr thinking I had a cold and it turned out to be swine flu. I never knew I was sick because I never ran fever, I had the bad cough and headache and sore throat. At one point, the doctor thought I had allergies until he swabbed my nose and it turned out to be positive for flu.

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