Would it be safe to use nasal spray on my 4 year old daughter?
My 4 year old is sick with some kind of flu or cold or something. I took her to the doctor this morning and she told me to give her dimetapp at night to help relieve her nasal congestion. I have tried dimetapp in the past and I just don't think its very effective. I was wondering if it would be safe to use nasal spray for her just in the evening so she can sleep better.
I wanted to add that my daughter absolutly refuses to blow her nose. And when I convince her to try she doesn't really get anything out.

Posted by RockDaddy
If you're using a nasal spray for adults, there is no way to dose properly for a 4-year-old. You will end up overdosing her, which could be harmful.

Ask your doctor for alternatives.

Posted by Doxycycline
The only nasal spray safe for 4 year old is nasal saline (basically salt water to rinse all the snot and boogers out of the nose). The trouble with using the nasal sprays like Afrin on 4 year olds is that these nasal sprays are basically stimulants... stimulants are used in nasal sprays because when the nose is exposed to a stimulant, it dries up. However, when kids take these stimulant nasal sprays, they absorb too much of it into their system and end up with other stimulant effects like rapid heartbeat and elevated blood pressure.

Posted by Mabes
i would try a saline spray, not a medicated one, because the dose is probably too high for a 4 y/o. you can get saline sprays designed for children though with lighter flows.

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