Anything to help flu symtoms?

Posted by Simon | 9:54:00 AM

Anything to help flu symtoms?
Maybe one of you have another idea? I have been having flu symptoms for well over a month and I can't shake flu symptoms. (fever, cold sweats, chills, achy, tired, headache, loss of appetite) I have tried everything I know of. Tylenol, Nuprin, TheraFlu, Contac, aspirin, Ibuprofen, Alka Seltzer, Nyquil, Dayquil and I just can't get no relief. Anything else I can try? I see the doctor on the 23rd, but need something in the meantime.

Thanks in advance.
LINCOLN6: Nothing is new - it's not an allergy.
BOOTS: None of those meds has decreased or masked any of my symptms at all. It's as if I never even took any meds, but am willing to try anything at this point. Thanks for the links.
Just got back from the ER - It's from my other illness (SLE) and there is nothing to do but wait and hope it will pass. CRAP!!!!

Thanks to all, anyway.

Posted by Broadway S
Plenty of fluids,soup,lots of tissue paper.Be sure to stay in a bedroom and keep the temperature warm.Watch some TV so it can help gain your appetite back.Tea helps,too.

Posted by Lincoln6
No flu lasts a month. You probably have an allergy to something new in your life. Take a look.

Posted by Boots McGraw
None of those medications do anything to help you get better; they only mask symptoms.

In fact, aspirin and ibuprofen and acetaminophen actually keep you sick longer by not allowing your body to produce fever. Fever is your friend, and kills the viruses responsible for the flu.

Do you want to help yourself get well sooner? The doctor can't help. There is no medication he can prescribe that will deal with a virus like your own body can.

You need to actually increase your fever to 102º to 104º for at least twenty minutes a day. You can do this by immersing yourself in a hot bath, and covering the parts of your body not in the water with towels wetted by the bathwater. After your temperature is in the 102º to 104º range, pour cold water over yourself, dry off, and go lie down for an hour or so to let the fever treatment work.

I have done this and kicked the flu in a matter of days.

Posted by ana z
Yup no flu lasts for a month. Night sweats indicate a pulmonary problem - can be the following: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. You might not be coughing, but these diseases have a mean way of hiding inside your lungs and come out whenever your immune system is low.
Assert your right as a patient: ask for the following lab tests to be done: CBC, platelet count, X-ray, sputum test, mantoux test, urinalysis, culture and sensitivity.
Stop drinking OTC meds, it's not working and you might end up hurting you liver and your kidneys, stop self medicating and go have the tests done.

Posted by li'lbit
Nothing but a comfortable bed has ever helped me. Just let your body rest!! If you have kids like me, call Grandparents to get them and just rest for about 48 hrs. What can it hurt?

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