Are there any communicable diseases that cause cough, cold, leg pain, and recurrent fever?
My 3 boys, aged 2 to 13, have all been sick for the past month and a half. They can't kick this cold/cough, and the fever just keeps coming back. It gets as high as 104! They have all had 2 rounds of antibiotics, and the pediatrician acts as if they are just passing different things around. My 'mother's intuition' tells me this is different than the common cold/flu. They will be well for 4 days then here comes the fever again. My kids have had everything under the sun, and I'm quite used to them 'sharing' whatevers going around. This just seems excessive, and I'm prone to think there might be something more serious, or better yet, curable going on here. The symptoms are listed above. The leg pain is getting me. I thought it was 'growing pains', and now I'm not so sure. Please help! Does this ring any bells with anyone? What should I do?

Posted by Kendi
Have they been tested for Lyme disease?

Posted by cra8zyteacher
I would definitely get a second opinion. When mother's intuition contradicts doctor's lack of concern, it is always time for a second opinion. My kids (ag2 2-13 also)all had something similar: temp 103-106, cough, headache, leg cramps... but they all got over everything but the cough in about 3-4 days. So far, no recurrences. (Knock on wood!)

Posted by Elizabeth
I think you should seek a second opinion. Sometimes pediatricians are quick to dismiss b/c they see so many of the same things all the time. It could be something more serious (though I have no idea). A friend of mine is in the process of getting over an extremely rare disease, and he wasn't properly diagnosed until he was taken to one of the best hospitals in the country. Sometimes it takes some insistence and a clean pair of eyes to get to the root of the problem. Best of luck with your kids!

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Orignal From: Are there any communicable diseases that cause cough, cold, leg pain, and recurrent fever?