www.empowereddoctor.com Each year, as many as 20% of Americans get the flu, and close to one billion Americans suffer from colds. Despite the prevalence of these seasonal infections, people continue to have numerous misconceptions. A report from Harvard Medical School debunks common myths and dishes the facts you need to know during this year's cold and flu season. 1. When is a good time to stay home from work or keep a child out of school? It's important to stay home during the most contagious stretch of your infection. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly when that is. A cold is contagious during the entire time there are symptoms, but you are most likely to spread the cold right after you catch the virus - before symptoms start. For the flu, you are most infectious from the day before symptoms until the 5th day of symptoms. Story is produced and provided by Empowered Medical Media, LLC Visit www.EmpoweredDoctor.com to see the full story And if you are looking for a doctor check out our local doctor directory at www.empowereddoctor.com
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Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

California Aacdemy of Health (CAOH) www.caoh.org Steps to help combat the Cold and Flu season! With the cold and flu season upon us it's important to take some preventative, proactive steps. We get reports from our customers coping with all stages of cold and flu symptoms -- some from the first aches and pains to those with full-blown fever and congestion. Here are a few tips to help during the cold and flu season to hold off and combat colds and flu naturally. More on this topic at caoh.com caoh.com www.caoh.com http Call us at 800-643-7188 Dr. Marcus Ettinger has maintained a private practice in Orange County, CA for the past 21 years. Dr. Ettinger's contact information: 714-639-4360 www.advancedhealing.com

Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

Orignal From: Empowered Health News | Cold and Flu questions answered