Herpes i vs Herpes II and kissing.?

Posted by Simon | 1:49:00 AM

Herpes i vs Herpes II and kissing.?
If I have genital herpes can I give it to my kids by kissing them on the cheek or lips? I dont have cold sores etcc.. I was concerned is there such thing as giving herpes II thorugh a kiss? I know gential and herpes i are differnt viruses. Also, with shedding, its from the infected area can I shed from my mouth? I guess the bottom line quesion is can I pass the virus thorugh the mouth if I have genital.

Posted by Sylvie M
Well, I'm no expert, however, I know that you can get genital herpes of the mouth (through oral sex). However, if you don't have genital herpes of the mouth... I don't think that you can spread genital herpes from kissing.

(FYI to all, you can get any genital disease in the mouth through oral sex, so that's not always safe!!)

Posted by mikedrazenhero
why would you kiss your kids like that.
no no i don't want to know, is ok is ok
see i have herpes too, and i give everyone in my family herpes because i pee on the toliet seat, and i don't lift up the toliet seat when i make pee, so now they all got my herpes

so becareful around your children, wear pants all the time helps too

Posted by garrettatnd
Both Herpes Simplex I and II can be caught on either the mouth or the genitalia. It is not a bloodborne pathogen, however, so it is unlikely that you would pass it to children through the mouth unless you have a cold sore. As with genital herpes, it can be passed without an outbreak, but the chance is realtively slim. Also, the cheek is pretty safe since it is less vulnerable than the mouth/genitals. Your chance of passing it to your children is very slim if you have NEVER had a cold sore. Go ahead and love them.

Posted by Sammy
Genital Herpes or HSV II is more common below the waist. Cold sores or HSV I is more common above the waist. There has never been any written medical proof that HSV II can be passed above the waist. And HSV I can be pass below the waist, but the % is very small. So if you have HSV II you are fine if you are kissing your children. If it were HSV I it can be contracted if it's on your lips when you are getting a relative kiss.

Posted by mutherluv
The only way to spread herpes by kissing is if you have oral herpes. It is spread by skin to skin contact, so if you only have genital herpes, you will not spread it through a kiss.

Just because you have genital herpes, you cannot assume that it is type 2. 30% of all genital herpes cases are type 1, and in the college age range 60% are type 1.

It is possible to have type 2 orally, but it is very rare. The chance of spreading it to another person orally is unlikely.

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