Long cough and symptoms of cold wont go away?
I had a bad cold about 3 weeks ago. It's gotten a lot better but I still have minor symptoms my cough will go away for about 2 days but it will come back and last about 2 hours or so. I havn't felt completely fine since April 29th anyone know what's wrong with me? Should I see a doctor?

Posted by nevadablondie2008
See a Dr! You may have pneumonia.

Posted by One Ho
It's good that you have recovered although minor symptoms persists. Don't worry. This is a virus that will go away once your body can immunize itself strongly. Just rest as much as you can.

Posted by Sarah
i had the same problem
it was because of my asthma and i needed to get new meds
so try seeing a doctor

Posted by milarox
haha I had that same thing! it was strong at first but then it died oput but I still had minor coughing for a couple of weeks. I hate seeing the doctor so I just got some cough drops fro mthe coner shop and I didn't get worse. Obviously its taking a long time for it to stop but with in 1-2 weeks it wou,d have totally gone. Like i said I don't go to the doctor because i dont need pills, medicine etc I'm fine lol. But if you feel worried go see one.

Posted by AH
I would see a doc ...you probably need a cxr, especially if you have a smoking history. On the up side, it might just be gerd, for which you can try an over the counter proton pump inhibitor.

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