How can I know the difference between a cold and the flu?
So last night I felt a little like I was coming down with something... I had a bit of a sore throat, a headache, and a slightly runny nose. I went to bed early, but today I woke up feeling even worse. My head is pounding, my throat feels terrible, I have a stuffy/runny nose, I'm sneezing, coughing, and I feel achy all over, especially in my legs. Whenever I stand up I feel dizzy, and I have a slight fever (around 99.5, but it's been going up.) Besides that I'm shaky, I have chills, and I feel all over terrible. All I want to do is stay in bed, but I have so much I need to get done this weekend. So what do you think this is? How can I know the difference between a cold and the flu? And I mean, how long do they last?


Posted by Gep
Generally a cold will last 2 or 3 days and you will have a fever with it, with upper respiratory problems. Allergies usually have no fever and will last longer and you will have upper respiratory problems. With the flu there is usually fever and it may last a few days usually not over a week. Some flu bugs will be respiratory and some may have nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea plus muscle aches. Hope this helps.

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