How does getting a seasonal flu shot increase your risk of getting H1N1?
I've heard a Canadian report from late September of this year stated that those who get vaccinated with the seasonal flu shot are at higher risk for catching the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus. Is this so, and if it is, why? Also, there's been no update on this report. I've searched the web and all that I found are the initial articles. Where is all the info on this? Wouldn't it be important to mention?
Posted by .\||/.
This is somewhat true, somewhat not. To sum it up better, it is not proven as of yet, but a strong possibility. There may also be side-effects from the flu shot as well as the H1N1...
You can get information on where you can get your vaccine shot in your area or when it will be available, possible symptoms to see if your infected, and/or a high resolution map of the globe, including country-to-country, state-to-state statistics of the H1N1 SWINE FLU VIRUS, including the number of deaths, infections, and possible upcoming outbreaks near or in your city/state/country?
Updated every 30-minutes to keep you informed on whats going on in your area with the virus. A trusted site of over 10+ years on the internet! I use it daily...
Check my feedback on posting on Yahoo Answers, I am not a SPAMMER, I answer questions everywhere in every category.
Posted by DN
Seasonal Flu2009 H1N1 Flu
What is it?A contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza A or B virus. Occurs during the regular flu season, usually in winter.A contagious respiratory illness caused by a strain of influenza A virus. First detected in the United States in April 2009, it has occurred throughout the summer, and will likely continue throughout this winter.
SymptomsFever, cough, sore throat, body aches, runny or stuffy nose, headache, chills, and fatigue, and possible diarrhea and vomiting in children.Same as seasonal flu, plus some instances of diarrhea and vomiting in adults.
How it spreadsPasses between people through coughing or sneezing, via germs in the air or on infected surfaces.Same as seasonal flu.
PreventionWash your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand gel. Avoid touching doorknobs, desks, and other surfaces that might be contaminated. Stay away from people who are coughing or sneezing. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and throw away the tissue. More prevention tips...Same as seasonal flu.
Posted by kimie
u will know about h1n1 conspiracy soon..
Posted by Ray Eston Smith Jr
You don't provide a link. Your first Answerer provides a link that doesn't work.
My advice: Get vaccinated for both seasonal flu and for H1N1. I'm also going to get a pneumonia vaccination.
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