I was exposed to influenza the flu type A. Will I probably be very sick soon?
This morning, I made out with my girlfriend. This afternoon, she began feeling very sick all of a sudden, fever of almost 103, and all the symptoms. She just got diagnosed with influenza type A and is very sick. Am I doomed? How long before I show symptoms?

Posted by Comet Wes
HA! Oh yeeeeeaaahhhhh!!!!
You have two days before you begin showing symptoms. There is -no- way around it unless you have had that specific strain of influenza. There is no way that you have had that specific strain of influenza before because it continually mutates! So, go buy the medicine now and make your bed very comfortable so your stay in it will be okay for you. Since you are definitely doomed anyway, you might as well go make out with her some more! You either have influenza or you don't, and you -do- have influenza now, so adding more won't make -any- difference in your symptoms. Go! Make out with her! She will feel a little better because of it!

Posted by beaches
How do you know for certain that it was "Influenza Type A?" To make a diagnoses like this a viral culture has to be obtained and sent in for analysis, it certainly would take more than a day to get the results back. Anyway, viruses are contagious and you might become ill, but all depends on your immune system. I'd advise you to stay away from her until she is not feverish anymore.

Posted by Sara
your screwed.
probly about a day

answer mine please

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Orignal From: I was exposed to influenza the flu type A. Will I probably be very sick soon?