My COLD-FLU Virus?

Posted by Simon | 9:54:00 AM

My COLD-FLU Virus?
Currently I have been trying to get over a COLD-FLU as I speak. More like a COLD than the FLU.......although, yesterday I had a slight Fever and felt a bit Disoriented and extremely Tired.
But, COLDS can give you False FLU like simptoms to.
Had this for 3 days now. I'm feeling much better now.....despite this agonizing Stuffed-Up Nose COLD still.

My question is:

*Why is it when ever a person catches a bad COLD or a COLD-FLU, like me, I Lose almost all my Hunger Appetite??*

What are the 'Medically & Biologically' reasons why humans Lose their Appetites while being sick with a COLD or a COLD-FLU ??

I really hate it when I'm Sick and I'm Not Hungry. I'm already (to Skinny) as it is = )

For example......
One might say that the reason a person Loses his/hers Hunger Appetite is because the human body is trying so so hard to Fight this COLD, that the body Loses its power to tell the Mind that it really 'IS' Hungry.

So what's your own Answer ???

Posted by 10 below
As the old saying goes, feed a cold and starve a flu. If you have a flu you have to starve off the bug. WASH YOUR HANDS LIKE A NUTCASE. Remember the public restroom is a breeding area for diseases.

Posted by tolbunt5
Hi, from my own experience, I'd say the problem is post-nasal drip, draining gobs of mucus down your esophagus and into your stomach, making you nauseous. A good nasal spray w/cortisone, or a high-pressure spray called "simply saline" will give you great relief. Hope this helps. -Stephanie

Posted by C J
Your metabolism slows to a near halt to focus it's energy on increasing your white blood count. The human body stops it's need for food because it fears a contamination may result.

Posted by rubberstamprowdy2007
Hi steve, I will try to answer the stuffy nose part of your question,the reason you cant taste anything is because of your stufed up nose,thus cutting down on your appetite, if you cant taste it you arent hungry. It happens every time.glad to have helped you Jan.

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