Never ending cough in child?
My daughter, almost 5, has had a recurring cough since Oct, 08. The cough initially seems to coincide with a cold, but continued off and on through the end of the year and has really never left.
Symptoms are non-productive cough, complains of a tickle sensation in her throat, so far the cough hasn't disrupted her sleep at nights (excluding last night actually). She had the flu at the beginning of February, which was followed by a sore throat, then a respite from everything excepting the coughing and this past weekend ended up in urgent car with a raging ear infection.
The school just called to have us pick her up. She has a fever and her ear hurts (and is still coughing). How can she have a fever and ear pain since she's been on antibiotics since Saturday evening?
No doctor has suggested a different course of treatment or referred her to an allergist.
Is there some kind malingering cough that is in Los Angeles county?
Sorry if I'm scattered, but I'm at a loss other than to just haul her back to the doctor (or a different doctor).
She's been on two courses of antibiotics (not including the script she's finishing now).
Posted by calripken082001
A couple of things to consider: 1- the cough may be related to a post nasal drip (explaining the tickling in the throat) and that can be allergies. in LA- smog alone can be enough to cause irritation. That needs to be looked at.
Two- antibiotics are not a cure all. She can still get sick while on antibiotics. She can get a superinfection- which basically means the antibiotics kill the natural bacteria that live on our body and keep things from invading- or it could be viral, or a bacteria that is not susceptible to what she's on.
The antibiotics she's on may not be an appropriate treatment. It doesn't sound like they're truly examining the issue. She may and probably should have had blood tests to confirm infection, and cultures. Too late at this point- but they should be able to look at other causes for a persistent cough. Have her checked for potential allergies as well as rule out asthma. The illness she has now may or may not be related.
Is she current on vaccinations?
She probably needs another trip to the doc, but they need to do more than just write out scripts for Antibiotics. Also, if her symptoms are viral related- the antibiotics won't help one bit and could explain why she's still miserable.
Best of luck.
Posted by codyericaleashia
I have two children of my own. My oldest son was/is always sick. He gets strep throat at least 4 times a year. He has seasonal allergies that come and go 6 times a year. I would suggest using a different docotr. If she is already on antibiotics and they are not helping then something else needs to be done. Antibiotics ONLY help a bacterial infection, not viruses or a sore throat. It is also not good to continue antibiotics when they are not needed because if a time comes when she really needs them for a serious illness her body could already be immune to them from taking so much already. I would say the antibiotics are not working because she does not have any bacterial infection, or maybe (hopefully not) but maybe there is something else going on such as an immune system problem(weak immune system). Good luck and I will pray for her.
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