What is the difference between flu and pneumonia?
What is the difference between having a flu and having pneumonia?

Oh also... If you dunk your head in cold water and went outside during a chilly day, you could catch a cold, maybe the flu, maybe even pneumonia?

Could someone please clerify the difference in how each are caught?

Posted by lucy f
pneumonia can be viral and bacterial. though both flu and pneumonia can cause respiratory problems, pneumonia usually causes more severe breathing issues, as it is primarily oriented in the lungs.

as for dunking your head in the water and going outside, sure its possible to catch either if your immune system is compromised.

Posted by cool breeze
If u weren't so lazy and stupid u cud type each ailment into ur search engine and clik search and find out ur self.

Posted by fulltank
what we know as the flu is short for influenza, a disease caused by the influenza virus. symptoms include fever, cough and colds, muscle pains. it is transmitted from person to person. pneumonia is literally a lung infection which can be due to bacteria, viruses, fungi. it may be transmitted from person to person too. symptoms include fever, cough, difficulty of breathing, chest pains. cold weather does not cause these infections

Posted by Wicked Little Lady
Pneumonia is an infection in the lungs and it requires antibiotic treatment or it will worsen. You dont even have to get a cold in order to get pneumonia. Pneumonia is visible on x-ray but the flu is not.

The flu will run its course without treatment though decongestants and the like will aleveate symptoms. Pneumonia can develop because of having the flu though. Antibiotics to prevent pneumonia from developing during flu can be given to those with long-term lung problems like asthma or emphysema.

You can get vaccinated against both pneumonia or the flu. Again, the pneumonia vaccine is recommended for people with long-term lung problems and the elderly.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Cold and Flu Basics - Cold and Flu Center - Gocoldflu.info
How to recognize the symptoms of cold and flu, which treatments work best, and advice on staying healthy during cold and flu season

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