Ah! I have the flu, what foods should I eat, and what foods should I stay away from?!?
It seems that right now I really want cold foods, and nothing to do with hot. I'm literally sticking ice cubes in my ears! I have BIG issues with my sinus's and drainage is causing my throat to become sore. My ears are terribly clogged up with mucas and my nose won't stop running! Please help! What foods should I eat, and what foods should I stay away from? I haven't eaten for 6 hours, and I'm starving!

Posted by Rawrrrr
You might want to go to your doctor if you are that bad. But, if you want to try to get yourself better at home, you can take echinacea, vitamin c, and zinc - those will help fight whatever you have. As for food you need to eat some broth/chicken soup - you don't have to have it hot if you don't want to. Another thing you can have is soy milk smoothies - it won't make your mucus situation worse since it's non dairy. When I had my tonsils out all I ate for about a month were soymilk smoothies and ice cream. Hope you feel better soon.

Posted by fleurt82
try to stay away from dairy products. If you are feeling sick, try eating somethin bland, like dry toast

Posted by Rhett J
Stock up on raw blueberries...they are loaded with antioxidants.....I cannot stress enough VITAMIN C....there are skeptics about this but it's proven to be a natural cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar....read about it online...it's a natural cure. Gargle with it and drink it with water (while holding nose lol)....it has natural antibiotics loaded in it.

Eat more fruit....drink liquids...rest.

Hope this helps and u feel better....I just recovered from shingles....ughhhhhh

Posted by Shar
Go easy on your stomach...cold broth, jello, non-dairy products, orange juice, popsicles..whatevery makes you feel better. But you should go get some help from a Dr.

Posted by Tigger
Stay away from greasy stuff: That won't stay on your stomach very well.

Cold wet foods and liquids are good. Or try hot lemon and honey to help with your nose and to get some vitamin C into your system.

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Orignal From: Ah! I have the flu, what foods should I eat, and what foods should I stay away from?!?