Can you develop the flu by simply being cold/wet?
or must you come in contact with someone else with the virus to get sick? Also say you're sick with the flu and pass it on to someone else and then you get better can that other sick person pass on the same cold back to you again?

Posted by Men In Black-Agent J
well, that all comes down to immune system. In immune system, when a virus enters, B cell is activated to make antibodies. at the end of the process, a memory cell is produced that remembers how to defend the same type of virus if that attacks again. With that being said, ur immune system gets weakened when you get cold and then it gets easier for the viruses or pathogens(anything harmful) to enter. And yes, you have to come in contact in order to contract the flue virus

the second answer is that there are many types of viruses that get you ccold. so if you get attacked by same type of virus, then you will be protected since you have the memory cell. However, if it's different types of virus, then most likely you will get the cold again. So, it's possible if other person had different type of virus

Posted by Robert W
You cannot get a virus by simply being cold/wet. You have to come into contact with the virus in one way or another. To answer the other question, it's possible that they can get you sick again, simply because the virus could have mutated enough that your antibodies wouldn't kill it.

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