cold vs flu help needed :(?

Posted by Simon | 2:00:00 AM

cold vs flu help needed :(?
Already posted this in other section so sorry if you are reading twice

Just want to get as much help as poss

need help with either very bad cold or flu?
I woke up on Tuesday morning and thought oh getting the cold.

I stayed in all day as we have freezing temps here at the moment.

But I had to go out on Wednesday.
And thought the fresh air might be good for me.
Wrapped up warm put some Menthol on a tissue and basically kept that over my mouth and nose,to keep me breathing easy but also to try and stop infecting others.

I felt pretty bad when I came home, but managed to get off to sleep okay
But as today is going on I feel considerably worse.

I went for a nice hot bath earlier, I said to myself, lie back and relax, next thing I knew I was wakening up 20mins later.I literally must have crashed right out
Went to bed... in and out of sleep now I feel shivery and a need for another hot bath.

I have taken contac 400 (non drowsy med)
Should the symptoms not get better after 2days instead of worse and also can a cold turn into flu or take a few days to come when you get flu, does it not hit you straight away rather than working on you over 3 days

Does anyone have any tips that they find works to ease their symptoms.
I really feel so miserable can't take part in any of the New Year Celebrations and am now stuck at hom alone feeling so sorry for myself

probably won't get any answers as everyone else in the world will be celebrating New Years...cept me :(

OOoohhh woe is
sorry folks
I am coughing(up)
My throat is raw
My nose is going from being totally congested to running like a tap
My nose is bleeding when I blow it (very unusual for me)
i have tension pain across my upper back (prob frm coughing)
even my gums feel funny

Posted by Melanie
if u have a sore throat try coughdrops
or tea and honey
chicken noodle soup for a cold

Posted by CurlyWhirly
Well it is kind of hard to say because you didn't say if you were coughing, had a runny nose, sore throat, or a fever. It could just be that you are tired and need to rest and that your body may be trying to fight something off. You could take something for your symptoms, but I would monitor your temperature and drink plenty of fluids. I think if you felt REALLY bad you would know if it was the flu as opposed to a cold.

Posted by SAKURA
have you checked to see if you have a fever? if you don't have a fever then its a cold sweety.
A cold usually starts with a sore throat and then its gets you all congested in your face...if you would blow your noise and it was clear that means the cold has just started and when it turns into the yellow green mucus that means your body is kicking the cold out...just stay warm and take some cold medicine and keep blowing out those boogers, dont keep them in and stay away from milk and sweets that will make the mucus more thick..
take care sweety and hope you get better soon...

Posted by Backhoe
I have something like that to, it starts to get better then gets worse.
I have been taking over the counter meds.
I'm not celebrating new years .

Posted by Ellen
Awww... I'm sorry that you are feeling so miserable. Typically, the flu comes on hard and strong. You will feel fine one minute, then you will feel as if you have been hit by a truck. Colds on the other hand, usually begin with a symptom or two and builds up. You sound very feverish as well. My advice is of course to see a doctor. This is to be sure that you do not have a bacterial infection brewing as well. This is very common when initially having a viral infection. In the meanwhile, make sure that you keep yourself well hydrated and don't forget to eat. Myself, when I am feverish, I let my body do what it needs to. It speeds up the process of fighting the illness off. When it comes time to go to bed, that is when I will take some ibuprofen or Tylenol to be more comfortable. If you have a cold or flu medication that helps you, go for it. Unfortunately, it is just the tincture of time, with rest and eating and drinking that will do the trick. Feel better soon and don't forget to try and get to the doctor. I know that is the last thing that you want, but better safe than sorry. Try and have a happy New Years Eve and i'm sure the new year will bring you a much better time. Best of luck to you.

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Orignal From: cold vs flu help needed :(?