Could this be strep throat?

Posted by Simon | 1:49:00 AM

Could this be strep throat?
I woke up on Wednesday morning and had a fever, sore throat, my throat felt swollen (i had mild difficulty breathing), cough (hurt to cough). The next day I could breathe but my voice was very hoarse (I can barely talk)! It hurts to swallow more than if I'm not swallowing but its not enough to make me cry or anything. I was also nauseous (kinda) on Wednesday morning but not anymore. I'm taking extra strength benylin 1 cold and flu and it kinda (barely) helps me. I have a cough but it hurts to cough. What could this be??

Posted by NP
Sounds like a pharyngitis, and strep could be the cause, but the most common cause is actually viral, for which there is no treatment as it will resolve on its own. Thus the only course is to continue to be hydrated and alleviate the symptoms.

Posted by martin m
white spots inside throat

Posted by Karunya
You are in for a viral infection. Gargling with warm salty water or mouthwash can reduce the pain and inconvenience. You can find some good home remedies at

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