stomach flu, common cold, or swine flu?
for the past few days where i live it has been very cold like in the 40:s and then in the 70's all week we hve been hving spirit week and homecoming so i was out all the time. Today i have body aches, im tired and my stomach is making funny noises and i have a headache? is that any of the symptoms of the flue? or something else?

Posted by Lucy L
It's very hard to say. Have you taken your temperature? Are you feeling progressively worse. Have you started to develop a dry cough?

If you have a fever tonight and begin coughing, you may have the flu. This time of year, though, with the weather change lots of other viruses are out there also, including common colds and stomach viruses.

Take it easy, drink lots of liquid, and take Tylenol for fever and aches. The treatment is pretty much the same for any virus with the symptoms you describe.

If you start to feel much worse or have a very high temperature, contact your doctor.

Posted by krazykritik
There is NO SUCH ILLNESS as "stomach flu". That is a fallacy created as a simple definition for what really is "gastroenteritis".

The "flu", or "influenza" is a respiratory disease. Quite often, we can experience stomach problems while suffering from the flu, but they are separate illnesses and should be treated as such.

Unfortunately, your symptoms cover a plethora of illnesses, so I suggest you take regular strength acetaminophen or ibuprofen for your body aches and pains and headaches, and if you are experiencing loose stools or diarrhoea, then Kaopectate and Pepto Bismol should give you relief. Don't eat anything except clear soups, broth, weak tea, and drink lots of water. Ginger ale or a clear soda can offer relief too and unlike other suggestions, do not make the soda flat. The carbonation often helps us to burp which eases the upset stomach symptoms.

If you start experiencing chest congestion, stuffed nasal passages, runny nose, and cough, then most likely it's flu.

And DON'T fear the swine flu as they would have you. It has a lower fatality rate than your 'regular' influenza strains. This vaccine frenzy is all a sick brainwashing technique to help the pharmaceutical companies and the money grubbers of this sad system make zillion$ .

TY for reading and God Bless. I hope you feel better soon.

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Orignal From: stomach flu, common cold, or swine flu?