A TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow of a travel blog to Cape Verde Islands, Cape Verde by TravelPod blogger Aussiepanda titled "Crossing the Atlantic". TravelPod is a company of TripAdvisor™. Aussiepanda's travel blog entry: "we didn't really go to the Cape Verde Islands but we did sail past them in the night! Day 22. 8 November 2007 (At Sea) It wasn't only moths that covered the ship last night. There are literally thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of bugs of various kinds all over the back decks of the ship, especially the lower prom. Most of them are little stink bug things but there are also crickets and grasshoppers and all sorts of other bugs. How strange. Brasil looks like it's getting some guests it wasn't expecting. Thursday afternoon. I'm sat next to a couple (sadly American yet again) while I'm typing this who are discussing Dakar and saying that to attract tourists they need to make it more attractive so that tourists will come, that it needs to be greener ("their must be underground water") and that they need to tidy up the natives (!!!!) and that's why Vietnam is doing so much better now because they've tidied it up for the tourists. Mmmmm........ Now they're talking about bugs and that the ship should do more to keep bugs out. They actually saw a fly onboard last night. Their glass bug-less house must be quite a sight! It's now Friday morning. Did our forty minutes of walking yesterday morning after breakfast. Back in the cabin and I'm tidying up when I ...

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Orignal From: "Crossing the Atlantic" Aussiepanda's photos around Cape Verde Islands, Cape Verde