swine flu common cold
by 27147

Do I have swine flu? common cold? Help!?
I am in college & freaking out because of the pandemic going on.
Here are my symptoms:
Cough- deep, no mucus
Runny nose- clear mucus
No sore throat
Stomach doesn't hurt
Not very hungry though
Hurts to breathe in through my nose

I am just so busy and haven't had time to see a doctor.. is this serious?

Thank you!

Posted by JamesC
sounds like its just a cold. but even if it is swine flu, don't worry about it. most people are fine after a week, the regular flu is a lot more dangerous.
just rest, and drink lot of water. and if things get worse (like you have trouble breathing) go see a doctor.

Posted by I dont have a name!!!
Who knows?!
See a docktor for a test

Posted by JennaSea
Sounds like a cold, but either way you need to slow down and rest. Stay in bed and ditch school for a few days. If you run yourself down and don't slow down you will be asking for the flu. Doctors can't do much for the flu virus. Your body needs time to beat it. You need to stay in bed for a day or two and if you aren't on the mend after a few days of rest then maybe think about getting it checked for a secondary bacterial infection. Also, we are not having a pandemic yet. my be it will become one, but it is not one now.

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Orignal From: Do I have swine flu? common cold? Help!?