Drug addict at 16 so confused and need help?
Hi, recently I've been taking codeine(nurofen plus 12.9 mg codeine 200 mg ibuprofen) for neck pain. I have a herniated disc in my neck and its very painful, Im only 16 years old. About a month ago I was prescribed tylenol 3's...but the doctor only gave me 6 for fear of me being tyoung and getting addicted. Then I got the otc nurofen and have been taking one everyday for a month. Except, I chew them instead of swallowing whole, and I feel like its released into me stronger. Recently Ive been scared and take about 4 a day. I stopped for one day and noticed I had headaches in school, one moment had 101 fever then felt cold, weak, I felt like I had the flu. I took a codeine an hour ago now im fine. Can I really be addicted or is this just starting the addiction? Today in school it was like a damn slap in the face, 1st day off it and guess what we're learning about the opium wars in global class WTF. Idk if its all in my head or im really addicted or maybe I legit do just have the flu. I need help, I think but I can't tell my parents I need rehab they have no idea about this and I won't disappoint them. Ive been feeling so weak and depressed and cry for no reason when Im off them. I need advice am I addicted and how do I stop it has only been 1 month. What should I do??

Posted by the_cavs_on_the_move
K. You NEED to go see your doctor and have a this discussion with him. You're in no trouble, yet. He can prescribe another medicine that less addictive because, yes, you are becoming addicted if you aren't already. Seriously bud. you don't sound stupid so just go have a talk with your doc.

Posted by Jim
Tell your parents, amigo. It's obvious that you do not want to be addicted, so tell somebody that can help you take control of the situation! Your mind is going to take you to the darkest places it can possibly go if you keep this to yourself. Maybe you aren't addicted and are getting sick, maybe you are and you caught yourself in time. Either way, you do not need rehab so soon. Rehab is for people that are fluttering above rock bottom or have hit it in a big way. Just tell your parents and your doctor, the people who are there to look out for you the most.

Posted by Girlie
You're not addicted. Addicts don't have control. They'd never come here for advice...They'd be too interested in getting their next fix. Just stop. Plain and simple!
Take the amount you're supposed to take and no more. I'm sure you've felt crappy before, right? It's not so bad. Sick for a week and then you're better. You deal with it then...deal with it now. Go back to taking one a day. Or less if you feel the pain is getting better.

Posted by Rachel
You are physically dependent on opiates.
I went through exactly what you are going through as well... I got in a very bad car accident and had surgeries..etc and ended up in the same position that you are in.
It is a very scary thing that almost no one will understand because they haven't experienced it themselves...
But you are NOT alone.

Feel free to email or IM me and I can help you and tell you what to do so you can get through this both mentally and physically.

Posted by Live Time

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Orignal From: Drug addict at 16 so confused and need help?