Extreme flu like symptoms following my 2nd Gardasil vaccine shot?
I received my 2nd dose of gardasil oct 15th. The rest of that week I noticed my left arm was REALLY sore where i got it and anyone even slightly hitting into it caused a lot more pain than any other shot ive ever had.

That saturday I started feeling a bit sick. Had a sore throat but didnt really think much of it. Come monday I had no voice and now I have severe flu/cold like symptoms (coughing, aching, no runny nose, sore throat, no voice, chest congestion, tired, no appetite, sore glands in my neck& behind ears on side of shot)

Along with this is pain in my left hip and leg (side of injection) when I cough.

I plan to go back to the dr this monday but is there any way these symptoms could be linked to the vaccine or is this just a hardcore common flu/ cold bug? im usually pretty healthy and rarely get sick.

Posted by rhy‹3
hey, wow you got it too?
i just got my first dose yesterday. it hurt and felt like my arm was burning. i would go to the doctor's just in case. be sure to get your flu shot :)

and to the person below me. the shot is perfectly fine, why would they put it out if it wasn't? the people who died obviously had allergic reactions. either way my teachers son is a doctor and says it is highly recommend to get it. and my two friends moms are RN's and they also recommend it. My cousin who is an RN (registered nurse) does too.

also it protects HPV which 70% of people get, and it helps protect you from cervical cancer. why wouldn't you get it. you can die from anything, even the flu shot.

Posted by tammee
Haven't you been reading all the risks associated with that shot??? You could die!!! Go into convulsions. Never in a milion years would I ever get that shot. NOPE!!! Too risky.

Posted by blinkchick706
When I got my 2nd shot (which hurt worse than any might i add) I also got my meningitis shot, so I'm not sure which did it, but I experienced the same things. I was out of school for 3 days because I just felt HORRIBLE. I couldn't even lift my arm, and I was achy all over with a sore throat. all I did was sleep for the rest of the week. I saw my doctor about a week after wards because I thought I was just sick, and she told me it might have been my body reacting to the medicine. when you get a shot, its a foreign body going into your body, and your body may have attacked it. something like that. don't really undestand the doctor lingo, but it really could go either way (because of the shot or maybe a bad cold). I would see a doctor to be safe =)

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