Flu Virus or Cold Bacteria - How to notice the difference?
I often had a cold and now have one. Runny nose, sneezing, soar throat, coughing, spitting mucous. The mucous is yellow.

How do you know the difference between a virus and a bacterial infection?

Yellow mucous bacteria, not yellow virus?

Do you have the same symptoms with flu and cold?

Posted by amazin'g
If your secretions, throat or nose, are yellow or green you may have a bacterial infection. A run-of-the-mill cold, which is caused by a virus, has clear mucus. I would advise you to see your doctor.

Posted by Michael S
Colds generally do not have a fever component, BUT colds are virii. The 'Flu' generally has more of a fever component.

Bacteria can only survive in a narrow range of environment and usually the body response is to increase your temperature to kill them. Typically bacterial infections represent with a fever and some form of coloured discharge. GENERALLY!

Healthy mucous is usually clear(ish) while mucous that is coloured usually indicates that your body is throwing off waste by-products of being sick.

Remember that anti-bacterial/antibiotic drugs have little, if any, effect on a virus. Antibiotics are often prescribed "Just in case" but do not have any support for making any difference.

Virii most often have a hard outer shell and can replicate on their own via RNA; that is why they are so difficult to kill and why you need to endure them to build up resistance.

Bacteria are softer and need each other to replicate via DNA. Antibiotics attack their outer skin or ability to reproduce.

Hope that helps? In most cases you will get over a cold or flu in seven days or you can wait a week. In either case, a wee bit of discomfort will allow your own natural defenses to get stronger and minimize the future effects.


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Orignal From: Flu Virus or Cold Bacteria - How to notice the difference?