A flu shot question and others in the house getting sick?
My work is offering free flu shots.My question is,if I get the flu shot but other family members who live with me don't,will they get the flu from me because of me getting the shot?
I have my mom living with me and she is not able to get the shot because of lack of insurance and funds,so I would hate to get the flu shot and make her ill.Plus,is it worth getting? I've never had a flu shot before but got Sooooo sick last year from the flu.

Posted by JakeC123
No, the flu shot is basically made from dead flu viruses. It is impossible for you to give the flu to others.

Posted by J
Jake is a liar. You CAN get the flu from a flu shot. They inject a virus in you. Dead or not, it's still a virus. It can, and sometimes does make you sick. I am a prime example. A lot of people where I work who got the Free shot in our clinic were out of work this week. I worked 60 hours because some people chose to have a virus injected into them. To answer your question, NO it's not worth the risk!

Posted by P12
The flu shot is deactivated, completely dead virus particles. It cannot make you contagious. However, the nasal spray version contains a live attenuated virus, with the possibility of you becoming mildly contagious with a severely weakened strain of the flu.

Posted by LINDA R
The flu shot contains inactive strains of flu. Although you may have mild symptoms for a few days after getting the shot, you can not get the flu from a flu shot. Your getting the shot will not make other people in your house sick. Yes, you should get the flu shot. J does not know what he's talking about.

Posted by Sweetie Pie
You will not give the flu to others when you get the vaccination. Yes it is worth getting!

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