How do I kill all of the germs to prevent us from getting sick again?
My husband has the flu, my son has a cold (runny nose, sneezing - cold symptoms but a negative flu test) and my daughter has a stomach virus.

I am scrubbing my house, because I don't want us all to just share these 'bugs' until we have all had them all.... Any tips or suggestions?

Posted by Renee
just keep sanitzing everything..keep hands away from mouth, eyes and nose...
Keep those handy wipes available!

Posted by audrey j
Use hot soapy water to clean everything. Don't forget the door knobs, toilet handles, remotes, desk, and light switches. Get the tissues with the germ killer in it. Make sure that everyone is washing their hands before they eat, blowing noses, sneezing, coughing and after the restroom. Write names on cups so that everyone is not sharing them. Keep your toothbrushes off of each other and don't touch the toothpaste with it. I also use the wipes for hard surfaces and spray for the couches and other things to keep the germs to a minimal. I also make sure that no one is sharing pillows. Once you are over the cold get a new toothbrush. This works with my family of six. I know it sounds like a pain but I would rather take preemptive strikes than be down for a week with a cold. Best of luck and I hope you all feel better quickly.

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