How do you transmit the cold virus through physical contact?
I've heard it a thousand times and I still don't have an idea how the cold is transmitted physically. If you lick your hand after you touched an infected door knob, will you get the cold? I know hand washing and vitamins are important but how do you get it through physical contact (aside from kissing).

(Note: I got the idea of asking this because of the killer cold virus. Pls answer the main question)

Posted by Bag of Crap
someone coughs on their hand and they touch a doorknob without washing their hands, the disease sticks to the doorknob. then if you touch the doorknob, the cold virus will get on your hand, when you touch food or your mouth with it, it will get inside you and make you sick.

it's only a small portion but it will multiply and when it multiplies it makes you even more sick. if you already have the cold before and survived it, some of the blood cells will memorize how to attack the cold, so you will heal faster from the disease. if it gets worse, your blood cells will send a message to your brain that it needs to heat you up so it can kill all the germs, so your body temperature rises a lot and that kills most of the germs in your body, but then you'll be very tired and have a fever.

that's why it's important to take medicine because medicine helps kill the cold also, and you will less likely have a fever because your body doesn't need to heat up to kill the cold, since the medicine is already helping kill them off fast enough.

Posted by Almost Easy
For example:
i was buying some food supplies for staying over my mates house and the woman at the till sneezed all over the food and me. (the food was in packets so we just washed them)
i had a cold 2 days later=(

Posted by Jan
Mostly it is transmitted through the air that the infected person exhale and then inhaled by the victim, but it can also be transmitted by saliva and nasal secretions. So by touching a doorknob that some that licked his palm just prior on opening the door and you come along soon enough to use the same door knob and then lick your palm is theoretically possible, but I havent seen people go licking their own palms so often, So even if you touch someone sweaty and the lick his sweat you cannot get infected, but u got a good chance because u are so close to that person to inhale some of that person breath. That is by far the most common way to get infected. If u are really scared wear a surgical mask when u feel there is some danger

Posted by emocrat
You get it by bodily fluids. Physical contact that may involve you taking in the fluids of an infected person. Fluids pertain mostly to saliva.

Posted by nidancal12

Although more than 200 viruses can cause a common cold, the rhinovirus is the most common culprit, and it's highly contagious.

a.- a cold virus enters your body through your mouth or nose, but it's likely you also had a "hand" in your own illness.
b.- The virus can spread through droplets in the air when someone who is sick coughs, sneezes or talks.
c.- But it also spreads by
hand-to-hand contact with someone who has a cold
using shared objects, such as utensils, towels, toys or telephones.
d.- Touch your eyes, nose or mouth after such contact or exposure, and you're likely to "catch" a cold.

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