How do I get over a cold/flu in the next 5 days?
I have a very good friend coming in town in five days, and I want to be well enough to spend time with him without hacking and being sick and gross around him. lol
Will it be possible to rid this cold/flu in 5 days? What can I do to speed up this process?

Btw, I've already been feeling symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, coughing, achy neck, etc.) for a week or so.

Posted by Mary
You can up your vitamin C and water intake and get plenty of rest. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to help a virus other than let it run its course. If you don't have a fever, it is more likely a cold and not the flu. There is no treatment for that, other than treating the symptoms. Increasing fluids and rest are the best things you can do to try to feel better sooner.

Posted by Hana
It should go soon.
But try hot drinks, long hot baths, wrapping up warm etc.

Remember, when your runny nose starts to feel blocked up, mints help to unblock it (but suck on them, don't stick them up your nose!). x

Posted by Vlad
i guess u can do what hanna told u
also if u have headaches i dont suggest "warming up and all the hot baths and stuff"
if u have a teamperature
which would start rising after 36.6c* id suggest drinking hot tea and then going to bed under 2 very warm blankets.
usualy when i do that my cough goes within 3-4 days and im feeling super but
if u do that you will feel VERY weak
as ur temperature can drop to 33-35c*
good luck hope u get well

Posted by Alison
Don't mask symptoms. Those are the way your body fights a cold. You may feel better short term but your cold will last longer. Instead, work with your body with natural remedies.
Gargle salt water regularly- teaspoon of salt is 2 cups hot water (kills bacteria in the throat)
Take zinc in 15 mg- don't exceed 50mg a day (harms body)
Take lots of vitamin C
If you are sick of your cough drink raspberry tea with a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey.
Ginger and cayenne 500mg capsules thin out mucus which will help stop mucus from setting up camp.
Use a netti pot with saline solution to clear out your nose.
Of course get lots of rest.
Eat chicken soup with a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Drink lots and lots of water.
Heat water and pour in a bowl pour in a 3 teaspoons of peppermint extract, this will help clear congestion.
For instant relief of a sore throat, swallow a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (caution this is very powerful stuff but it works miracles.)
Stay away from a lot of sugar, it weakens the immune system.
If you have a fever with coughing, running nose and sore throat see a doctor this could be more than a cold.

Get well soon! =)

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