I am 5-6 weeks pregnant and have a terrible flu/fever. I am worried about the baby. Is there anyone out there?
with similar situation? I read a few cases where women were pregnant for several months when they got sick, but couldn't find cases when they were that early in pregnancy. In one case it said if you are 5-6 weeks pregnant, the sickness can affect the baby's brain development. Is that true? Are there women out there who got sick while 5-6 weeks pregnant and still ended up with a healthy baby? I just took a tylenol for fever.
Thank you!

Posted by Ethans mommy
Fever is what u really need to worry about because it can cause miscarrage in early pregnancy. U took your tylenol so thats great. My prediction is your baby will b just fine.

Posted by hstris
i had strep throat when I was 5 weeks prego and my baby boy turned out healthy as can be. Try not to worry so much and take care of yourself. Your baby will be just fine.

Posted by tiffany m
I was 5 weeks pregnant and got real sick with a 104 temp. My baby girl came the day after her due date and was 8 pounds 1 ounce. Healthy as ever. I took 1 tylenol. My doctor said tylenol is ok to take.

Posted by Claire
I had an appalling sinus infection when I was pregnant. I had one course of antibiotics when I was about 2 weeks pregnant - obviously I didn't know it, then another course at 4 weeks, then another at 6 weeks. I also got pneumonia later on in my pregnancy, and had another two courses of antibiotics. My boy was born slightly early and small (5lb 13oz) and needed to be tube fed for a little while, but that was because of reflux, which my big overdue daughter also had. He's now four months old, still has reflux, and is doing fine developmentally. He's holding on to his toys, smiling at people he knows and chatting away in baby talk. He can pull his knees underneath him when he's on his tummy, giggles when he's bounced and loves to look in mirrors. I think he's fine, and I'm sure your baby will be too.

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Orignal From: I am 5-6 weeks pregnant and have a terrible flu/fever. I am worried about the baby. Is there anyone out there?