Is Dillard's arresting people for financial gain?
I was shopping at Dillard's, and when I entered the store, there was not a single shopping cart, basket, or in-store bag for customers to use for the items they plan on buying which I thought was odd, but at snooty department stores like Dillard's, I figured they'd just consider that stuff clutter, and I had brought a second bag - completely separate from my purse - just for shopping (only have one world, and all of that jazz - I use my own shopping bags pretty much everywhere). Also in my bag was a shawl, because it was late afternoon, and I knew I'd be cold on the way home.

ANYWAY, as I went, I grabbed what I wanted, and put it in my shopping bag (for the record, my purse was zipped, closed, no question about it the entire time), not thinking much of it, mostly BECAUSE they had no other alternatives, so I thought that's what I was supposed to do. While I was walking around, apparently two small (but weighty) items slipped off the top of my shawl and down to the side of the bag. I didn't even notice it, as it was switched from shoulder to shoulder, or set on the floor if I wanted to get a good look at something. I was very actively shopping, browsing pantyhose and comparing them, when an off-duty police officer came and asked me what was in my bag. I told him exactly, and even emptied it right there, because I wanted to make it clear I was not trying to hide anything. There were four pairs of pantyhose that I had tucked into the side of the purse - which he could see immediately looking into my bag - and then the two items he couldn't see... which he arrested me for, despite the fact that they had no video of me attempting to hide the items, and had no reason to believe I was trying to hide anything whatsoever.

For two months, I waited, checking in weekly with my city's recorder's court to see if anything was filed against me... it was not. I consulted a lawyer, and he didn't understand either. Then I got a call from my mom - whom I have not lived with for seven years - and she was hysterical because they sent "me" a letter there telling them that they were willing to make a civil settlement of $ 150 if I responded within 30 days... mind you, she didn't find this until about 25 days into that 30 days, because she thought it was just some ad or something from when I did live there that she gets from time to time. I don't even know how they got that address, seeing as I've owned a home and been paying property taxes where I currently live for five years, and it's on my employment and credit history, as well as the ID I gave them. This makes me feel like they purposely sent it to an old address in order to be able to pursue much more vicious claims against me.

I called the very next day, and made a payment arrangement, but they were sure to say that they could still file criminal claims if I was arrested. I was not charged with 'stealing' the four pairs of pantyhose that the cop saw when looking in my bag, but I was charged with stealing the two smaller items, whose value was well under $ 40 (one was a bottle of cleaner for delicates [$ 7] and the other was a bracelet on a 70% off table [$ 15]). At no point had I headed toward any of the exits or clerks, or even considered leaving; as I said, I was actively still shopping.

I just cannot fathom why this all played out the way it did. I'm still paying my 'civil claim', even though Dillards very falsely accused me, and would not let me see the supposed footage they had of me not hiding the items - but of getting on the bottom of the escalator with the items, then "not having them" when I got off at the top.

Has anyone else gone through this? The attorney that sent this letter didn't even live in the same state as me, and they have a website specifically for people to make these payments, not to mention an 800-number, so it's clear that this civil settlement is a pretty common thing for them to do. I just want to know if anyone else has had to deal with this absolute craziness, and what the outcome was, or if anyone knows what's going on. I didn't see a single other customer in the store, but the salespeople were following me around like crazy (I feel it's because I wasn't dressed 'high class' enough), and it just makes me think that if they've got no customers, the money's gotta come from somewhere.

Finally, my husband is a 911 operator, and he told me that he gets an extremely high volume of calls from Dillard's for shoplifting. Something just seems incredibly fishy to me...
First off, the items did not slip INTO my bag. They were in my bag, which I was using for shopping and also had a sweater in it. As this bag was passed from hand to hand, and slipped over my shoulder, and down off my shoulder, the contents of the bag shifted. Apparently I didn't make this clear. I put the items in the bag because it was becoming incredibly cumbersome to carry these two heavy, awkwardly-shaped items, my purse, AND my shopping bag. I've never had a problem in any other store with carrying my own shopping bag, and didn't know until they did arrest me that such a thing as 'shoplifting by concealment' even existed. I guess if you want to consider me stupid for not knowing this, it's really your choice. Enjoy it. As for the details I gave, I gave the details in an attempt at being as thorough as possible.

Secondly, why in the world would I lie, care if you think I'm lying, or bother to type so much just for a lie? For that matter, what the hell do I care what your personal

Posted by Truth Dealer
I wouldn't have paid it. I would have let them take me to court. You technically did not steal anything, as you were still in the store. It is only after you have exited the store can the get you for shoplifting.

Posted by laughter_every_day
First, getting detained by store security is not an arrest. Second, $ 150 will not come close to cover the costs of providing security. Even the lawyer seeking the money will cost more than they will recover. Third, you are clearly lying. I don't know why as no one here cares if you are a thief or not, and any comments you got based on the lie would be meaningless. (I could tell you why I believe you to be lying, but I do not wish to help you be a better liar)

If you do not wish to pay, then don't. If the DA charges you with a crime, plead not guilty, set a trial and defend.

Posted by Tom K
Needlessly long post.
Too many silly excuses.
Dillard's does not have shopping carts.
Most people wouldn't put a purchase into a personal bag without paying first.
Security doesn't normally pursue a shoplifter until after the store has been exited.
And NOBODY would pay a claim unless they were guilty, especially if they already had an attorney.

Posted by car05161967
It sounds like Dillard's is trying to make some sort of quota.

Posted by Small Guy

All major retailers are doing stuff like this.
In my state they even got a law change so that a retail theft that would not normally be e felony (less than $ 500.) became a felony. Same if you have a previous conviction for a minor shoplifting, now the second is s felony.

Most have found that "fining" instead of prosecuting actually works better. Civil cases are easier to prove and they can wreck your credit rating etc.

It is estimated that the total cost of retail theft in 2010 for all business was just over 75 billion dollars

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