is it ok to take flu/cold remedies when ttc?
me and husband have been ttc for a year. My periods are regular and any day now i should be ovulating (today is day 14 but no smiley face on test today but prob. Tomorrow or friday). However typically on sunday i came down with a cold but it's got really bad and that's not exactly helping us! I have been taking paracetmal for last 2 days, i know you can't have ibruprofen but i'm not sleeping and can't breath properly and feel so groggy i don't think it's enough. I've been recommended benylin day and night but would this be ok? Also i had reflexology and she suggested echinasea as a natural alternative, i got some yesterday and took 2 then read on the bottle ask a doctor if yr pregnant or may become pregnant! So a bit worried now that is in my system! Any advise appreciated!

Posted by Nymphy
Try these sites
Hope this helps GL!*

Posted by Mason Gunnar due Jan 7th!
You haven't ovulated yet, therefore you CAN take ibuprofen up until you know for sure that you're pregnant. Ibuprofen won't stop a pregnancy from forming. Also, things like robitussin can sometimes be encouraged during TTC, as it's a decongestant, it thins the mucus and helps the sperm to swim to meet the egg, and get you pregnant! Any cold or flu medicine is totally fine, as in the 2 weeks from conception to your positive test the only things to avoid are alcohol and drug use. No cold medicine will cause any harm to the developing pregnancy. Echinasea is an herb, and no herbs are recommended during pregnancy, so I'd just stick to a regular cold medicine. Especially now it may even help you to get pregnant faster if you're taking a decongestant! Good luck and baby dust to you!

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