Is it possible to have a food allergy and a following flu?
If you get a food allergy, is it possible to have a flu afterwards? Is it common?

Posted by Proud Momma
Food allergies do not cause the flu. The two are not related, but can occur at the same time.

Posted by Lauren L
actually they can if you acerdently breath those tiny microscopic things cause they multiply and can cause danger

Posted by drumbum
Well, it's not a direct cause, but I always get sick after a reaction My allergist said it's because your immune system goes through so much during a reaction. I think it's just "tired" and doesn't do it's job as well until it gets itself back on track!

I had a reaction Sat. (mild, but a bad rash ...I was around nuts cooking)
And now today I feel like I'm getting sick. Take Vitamin C and rest up.

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