Is it serious if you get a cold/flu after previously having it only 2 weeks ago?
I just recently recovered from a cold or flu about few weeks ago Now this morning i think i got another one. Why is this? is this normal or something serious?. I know all the business of going to the doc, medicines etc, but just asking if anyone esle has had simmilar experience or knows anything. I've had several colds/flu's in my life but never 2 in the space of a month. Any opinion, advice?


Posted by collins m
I think it may be b/c your immune system was down from the 1st sickness an you picked up another germ and your immunity hadnt built back up yet. Make sure you take daily vitamins!

Posted by suprnurse33
You need to make sure to wash your hands frequently, and carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you in your purse or pocket when you are unable to wash your hands. Make sure to get a flu shot every year. Stay home when you are sick and don't go to work to get everyone else sick, so then when they are all well, you get sick again. All in all, take care of yourself!!!

Posted by Audraaay!
start eating healthy take care of ur body/sickness

it works for me

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Orignal From: Is it serious if you get a cold/flu after previously having it only 2 weeks ago?