It is scientifically possible for HIV to acquire genes from flu or cold viruses to make it transmit thru air?
I know genetic flow happens. SARS happened because of genetic flow. I realize this question would require someone knowledgeable about the subject and not an average layman.

Posted by James Dean
i'm about 99% sure it's impossible. when HIV is exposed to oxygen, the bacteria cells die out and it wouldn't hurt anyone depending on how long it was in the open.

Posted by TweetyBird
There are no genes that make viruses "transmit thru air". What good would it do HIV, a virus that needs access to CD4 T-cells, to fly around in the air?

Posted by JayM
Were you asking about influenza or SARS?
Both HIV and influenza are adapted for their own means of replication and spread to new hosts. The possibility of gene-swapping between HIV (a retrovirus) and influenza (an orthomyxovirus) is virtually impossible for a couple of reasons:
(1) Influenza replicates in the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. It never gets inside of your body. HIV replicates in cells of the immune system inside the body. In order for gene swapping, they would need to co-infect the same cell at the same time.
(2) The genome of HIV is a (+) sense RNA, while influenza virus has a (-) sense RNA genome. They can't mix together.
The SARS virus is a Coronavirus, and also has a (+) sense RNA genome, but again, the viruses don't replicate in the same cells or tissues.
There are a couple of other reasons why not but get into some rather complicated molecular biology.

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Orignal From: It is scientifically possible for HIV to acquire genes from flu or cold viruses to make it transmit thru air?