Why is winter time considered cold/flu season?
Aren't cold and flu germs out there regardless of the temperature?

Posted by ladeda
Yes, the germs are out there. However, the cold weather can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to the cold or flu.

Posted by Swimmer Natalie
I think it's because everyone's inside more, together, spreading more germs around.

Posted by bromckro
Actually both answers are spot on. Although being out in cold weather alone can't make you sick it does lessen the effectiveness of your immune system. The reasons that colds and the flu tend to spread more in the cold months is that people tend to be inside more and it is easier to spread the virus because more people will come in contact with infected people. Just remember to wash your hands a lot and drink plenty of fluids in those chilly months

Posted by kfranko34
cuz its colder (the air) and ur body is more vunrable to the flu and such

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