My 5 year old was sent home from school today for throwing up. I think it may be the flu.?
Is it feed a flu, starve a cold or feed a cold and starve the flu? It's been so long since he's been sick I can't remember? He says he doesn't feel like eating. He felt fine this morning but has a small fever now. He hasn't thrown up since then (about an hour ago). Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

Posted by jasminetablen
It's feed a cold, starve a fever,,,does he have fever? Call his doctor, what are you waiting for?

Posted by joepony
Let him eat if he wants to eat. If he doesn't, don't make him. Just try to get fluids down (1 tsp. at a time of something like Pedialite) so he doesn't get dehydrated.

If it's viral, there isn't anything your doctor can do about it, but suggest supportive therapy until he gets better on his own.

If he can't keep fluids down or the vomiting becomes violent, take him to the doctor.

That feed colds/starve fever stuff is old wives' tale crap.

Posted by Country Hick
It is neither of the above really. Those were old remedies sent down via our grandmothers and they don't necessarily work.
If your child was vomiting about an hour ago, I would go easy on giving him anything to eat. Try giving him small amounts, sips at a time, of clear fluids like pedialyte, diluted jello, or just water. No carbonated beverages, and be careful with the juices for now . See how he tolerates that. If he keeps that down try increasing the amounts of clear liquids slowly. You can try apple juice or flat ginger ale (stir the carbonation out of it first) if he is tolerating fluids and not vomiting.
Children can get dehydrated very quickly and can spike high temperatures quickly too. If he keeps vomiting and/or spikes a temperature over 101 degrees I would check in with his pediatrician. In fact giving the pediatrician a call now wouldn't be a bad idea.
Good luck, hope the little guy is feeling better soon.

Addendum: If you have to use medication for the fever make sure you use Tylenol not aspirin or ibuprofen due to the chances of getting Reye Syndrome.

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Orignal From: My 5 year old was sent home from school today for throwing up. I think it may be the flu.?