Stomache Virus vs. the Flu?

Posted by Simon | 9:49:00 AM

Stomache Virus vs. the Flu?
Ok I need this cleared up please. My dad is sick and I can't go anywhere because none of my friends' parents want me over their houses getting them sick. I feel like I'm in quarantine...

Anyway, can anyone please explain to me the difference between the stomache virus and the flu? I mean, I know I got a "flu shot" recently. (I am 15 years old by the way), but my little sister (Not sure why I'd take HER word for it..) said that it's not the flu it's a stomache VIRUS?

Sorry to seem oblivious here, but what is the difference between the two? If I got a flu shot, will I be safe from what my dad has? Or should I remain locked up and not leaving my room?

(Also, he said he feel cold and achy all over.)

Posted by amberleigh222
I think there is the stomach flu and then the body flu. The stomach flu is when you're puking and the other flu (the one you get a shot for) is like severe body ache, fever, chils, cough, runny nose, etc. I think......

Posted by xodancer4life21
i got my flu shot and still got the flu along with a stomach virus at the same time

Posted by imsety
See your health care provider as soon as possible. A few patients aren't sure that their illness is a cold or flu.
Many come seeking a cure, though there is none.
Many patients feel so sick that they believe the doctor must be able to do something.
Faced with this expectation, doctors sometimes try too hard, giving an antibiotic, performing test, or taking X-rays that aren't really needed.
Yes you're safe from your dads viruses and both viruses comes from the same body systems, whether from stomach or flu. And good luck.

Posted by LINDA R
All strains of influenza (flu) are respiratory viruses.

The stomach virus (or stomach flu as some people incorrectly call it) is a different type of virus. That condition is more correctly referred to as viral gastroenteritis.

Flu shots are given to prevent certain strains of influenza. The shot includes several strains that are expected to cause the most problems in a given year. You could still get a strain of the respiratory virus that is not included in the shot.
A flu shot will not prevent someone from getting the stomach virus.

Posted by Sarah Jane
Just a little side note....I've had two rounds of the latest "epidemic" called c. diff. which is short for something longer which you can google c.diff and find out more.

The symptoms of this particular "infection" would be almost similar to both a "flu" and a "virus".

Since you have had a flu shot I would imagine you would not be likely to catch the "flu".

A virus is a different type of infection than a Bacterial infection. I know it's all very confusing and really I think you should go to your Pediatrician to ease your mind sweetheart.

What I had was a "Bacterial" infection which was due to being over treated with antibitotics and it threw off the balance of flora in my body. A virus is different and more difficult to treat I believe. Although there have been some amazing advances in the medical research world in the treatment of viruses.

I know this does not answer your question and I'm sorry. I would really like for you to even just call your Pediatrician or the Family Doctor who is treating your Father and ease your mind a bit:) Wouldn't that be helpful?

Anyway, best wishes and I'm positive 100% that this will all pass and you and everyone in your family will be very healthy and without worry. You are doing the right thing by seeking out answers.
So you are one up on anything that comes your way.
So GOOD for you!


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