Swine Flu vs. man made Global Warming, which one is more ridiculous?
Swine Flu killed 22 so far and is all over the news, tobacco kills that many in 2 minutes, over 13,000 a day just from smoking tobacco.
Global Warming is just a natural heating and cooling cycle. But scientists need funding and jump on the band wagon of a few years of data suggesting man is the cause.

Posted by Junebug
I bet you listen to Coast to Coast AM in a non-ironic way.

Posted by dinkum360
Global Warming ..... for the reasons you stated.

Posted by Kcirtap
Swine Flu has definitely underperformed initial fears, possibly because of precautions taken due to those fears.

It is likely that the currently measured global warming is part of a natural cycle, but there is mounting evidence that human activity is exacerbating the warming and is likely to cause a much warmer "cycle" that would "naturally" occur. This would cause severe disruption to many things humans hold dear, but Gaia will survive as she always has.

Posted by S
Neither. The consequences of incorrectly believing in them both are relatively minimal. The consequences of incorrectly dismissing both of them are potentially horrific.

Posted by oubre70
there both ridiculous!!

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